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Nursing pillows for both breastfeeding and bottle feeding

Nursing pillow is a pillow which is specially designed for breastfeeding mother. Breastfeeding pillow comes in a variety of styles and designs and is designed to help you keep your baby in the correct position for breastfeeding. Learn more how to use a breastfeeding pillow to keep your baby in the correct position and reduce stress on the spine.

Nursing pillow for breastfeeding

  1. Find a comfortable position where your back is well supported.
  2. Place a pillow on your knees around your waist.
  3. Lay the child on the pillow sideways to you.
  4. Baby's mouth should be at the same level as the breast you plan to suckle from. If there is any problem, take the baby's head and upper body in your hand, bring to your chest, and place your hand on the pillow.
  5. Give your child time to eat.
  6. Don't tilt your torso or chest towards the baby. If the child is not tall enough, lift him or her up by placing another pillow under the pillow for support.
  7. You can also use the pillow along with the football grip. In this hold, the baby will be positioned to the side of your body (legs pointing towards your back).

    Nursing pillow for bottle feeding

    Using a nursing pillow for bottle feeding is almost identical to using it for breastfeeding.

    • Please, note! The pillow should never be used to prop up a baby or bottle to allow them to feed themselves.

    Babies who can't sit or hold a bottle on their own are not developmentally ready to feed unaided and may suffocate.

    1. Sit in a comfortable position where your back is well supported.
    2. Place a pillow on your knees around your waist.
    3. Place the baby on the pillow, leaning back.
    4. Hold the baby's head and upper body on your arm. Let your hand rest on the pillow.
    5. Feed your baby with your free hand.